Signs Your Manifestations are Coming True

When you learn that the universe has your back and that nothing you dream of is off limits, suddenly the entire universe opens up to you. You can allow yourself to imagine and dream of anything you desire, and work on manifesting it into your life. But how do you know your manifestations are on their way to you? In many cases, you don’t know until they arrive, but sometimes you will notice little signs if you pay close enough attention.

There are Signs Everywhere

By signs here, we mean symbols or weird things happening around you. Maybe you are trying to manifest a certain type of car, and now all of a sudden you are seeing it everywhere. This isn’t a coincidence or just you paying more attention. In all likelihood, you are matching the vibrations of the universe to bring this car to you. It could definitely be a sign of what’s coming.

You See Number Synchronicities

Spirits and angels send differenttypes of signs that aren’t always obvious, but they can’t communicate with words, so they try to tell you through synchronicities. A common one is with certain number patterns. You probably know about 11:11 being lucky, but did you know other number sequences could also be signs of something happening?

When it comes to manifestations coming true, pay close attention to the numbers you see. If you keep seeing 222 enough to where you notice it, this could be a sign that your manifestation is coming, so it’s okay to just relax and stop stressing about it.

Your Dreams Begin to Change

Have you noticed that your dreams are transforming to something different recently? Perhaps while you used to have very odd dreams that were almost impossible for you to analyze, you suddenly have straightforward signs and premonitions in your dreams. It is often the difference between something like dreaming about teeth falling out symbolizing a big change in your life, to actually dreaming of what the change could be.

You might also notice repeated themes in your dreams, such as all your dreams being in the same place, having the same energy, or even the same people or symbols. Are you seeing a cat in every single one of your dreams, even though they are different cats and different situations? This might mean something to you.

You Feel an Energy Shift

Sometimes, you can’t really pinpoint what has changed in your life or the universe, but you just feel it. You might be tapping into your own intuition and can feel how the energy around you is changing. This can also be heavily influenced by the moon, depending what moon phase you are currently in.

Many people can actually feel energy changing when a manifestation is on the way. You might feel lighter, free of stress, or like something big is coming even if you don’t know what it is or how it is coming to you. Listen to these intuitions! Your spirit guides might be telling you something.


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